Monday, October 27, 2008

Oodles of Doodles

This post is about the idea of doodling and improving drawing skills. Since the beginning of school I have doodled my way through boring lectures. It made me wonder if that drawing is what helped me draw, create, and replicate. I drew everything from the designs on my folders, the flowers on the walls, and by the time I was in middle school I was drawing full portraits of the student in front of me. A man named Mike Artell wrote a book titled "Oodles of Doodles." The idea of the book is the same as the posting. Doodling pictures has always been very enjoyable for me and I believe that it has helped my improve my skills. Even though doodling distracted me from the content of the class I'm glad I did it because art is my career now and my future. Drawing makes me happy and I'm glad I did "Oodles of Doodles."

1 comment:

cassie schneider said...

I am happy you posted this! I always want to doodle but I am afraid that people will think my doodles are bad. But the point of doodling is practice right? This post gives me courage to start doodling!