Thursday, October 16, 2008

Interesting Facts about our Muscles

For my extra posting this week I wanted to do something related to the muscles we have been doing in our class. So here are a few interesting facts about the human muscles. It is really fascinating what our bodies our made of, what they can do, and how they do it. After reading these facts it really makes you appreciate what are models are doing and what it must feel like  holding their bodies in positions for long periods of time. 

*The biggest muscle in the body is in the gluteal maximus
*You use 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown

*When you move in any way you use at least 200 muscles

*Your muscles are around 40-50% of your body weight

*The fibers in your muscle can support up to 1,000 x their own weight

*It takes 72 muscles to produce speech

*75% of muscle is water

* There is no exact number on how many muscles are in the body. 
(No body can come to an agreement)

     *There are 6,000,000,000,000 muscle fibers and each fiber contains 1,000 separate threads called fibrils


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